Friday, March 28, 2008

I Needed A Laugh, Thought I'd Share...

Dumb and Dumber

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thank You

Stay with me awhile.
Well it may seem foolish, but I'm scared
My beloveds yelling "Crucify!"
And its as if no one ever cared.

Soldiers mock me with their songs.
They laugh because I'm naked and I'm weak
Well I don't know how much longer I can go on,
When every breath I take is just to weep.

And for a moment time stood still,
To listen to the King of the hill.
And all the angels just stood still.
To listen to the King of the hill.

Well I could've had servants
And I could have ruled this world as their King.
And I could have had wealth beond measure.
I could have had anything, but it wouldn't have meant anything

Not my will but Yours be done,
I had no agenda, only Your truth.
You were so proud to call me Son,
Now Father, I commit my soul to You.

And for a moment time stood still,
To listen to the King of the hill.
And I can hear You whisper, stil;
Father, I'm the King of the hill,
Father, I'm the King of the hill

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My 4

4 jobs I have had in my life:

1. Pastor
2. Youth Pastor
3. Fish and Wild game smoker
4. Telemarketer (I am convinced all telemarketers are liars)

Four movies I would watch over and over (or have watched over and over):

I would like to file a formal protest against whoever only let me pick 4!

1. Napoleon Dynamite (You're ruining everyone's lives and eating all our steak!)
2. Donnie Darko (I seriously doubt your commitment to SparkleMotion)
3. Dumb and Dumber (We landed on the moon!)
4. A Walk To Remember (God couldn't find me a new sweater because he was too busy looking for your brain)

Four places I have lived:

1. Kalamazoo, MI
2. Middleville, MI
3. Hastings, MI
4. Ravenna, MI

Four TV shows that I watch:

1. Heroes (curse that writer's strike!)
2. Survivor
3. Big Brother (I WILL be on that show!)
4. Free Radio (Jell-o pudding' pop!)

Four places I have been:

1. Monterrey, Mexico
2. Nashville, Tennesee
3. Orlando, Florida
4. The Minneapolis airport!

Four people who email (or call) me regularly (in no particular order):

1. Tom (my new boss)
2. My mom (gotta keep her in the loop)
3. Discover (they want their money back)
4. Joe (gotta keep up with my big/little bro)

Four of my favorite foods:

1. My mother in law's chili
2. My mother in law's pinto beans (good thing she's visiting this week!)
3. MY lasagna...expensive but the best you'll ever have
4. 'Jamaican Me Crazy' coffee

Four places I would like to be right now:

1. Tennesee
2. North Carolina
3. Kentucky
4. Bed

Four things I am looking forward to this year:

1. The Dark Knight
2. Iron Man
3. The Incredible Hulk
4. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Four people who should post four things about them:

1. Ryan
4. Jenny (she'll need something to post here in about 6 months)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


It's on VH1...absolutely hilarious!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I Love Dinner Time

So dinner time rolled around tonight and the family sat together as we always do and Samuel is being, well, himself. He's being funny and inquistive today (when his sister tooted today, he told her the 'Toot Police' were coming to arrest her). So since he was in a good mood, I decided to see if he could handle playing Simon Says. He didn't quite get it, but wanted a turn to be Simon. Here's how it went (mind you, he and I were the only ones playing.)

Samuel: Simon says touch your belly.

(Daddy touches his belly)

Samuel: Simon says touch your nose

(Daddy touches his nose)

Samuel: Simon says....TOOT!

(Daddy leans to one side and rips a pretty good one)

Samuel and Daddy are laughing their heads off, but Mommy is not impressed.

So no more Simon Says, so Samuel moves on to Duck Duck Goose. Around the dinner table. I get to start it off. Mommy is still not impressed I farted on command.

Daddy to Avery: Duck
Daddy to Mommy: Duck
Daddy to Samuel: GOOSE!

He chases me around the table, but I outrun him. So he decided that Mommy should be the goose and he wins. Mommy's turn. She comes right to me and says 'GOOSE' and proceeds to smack me (kinda hard) on the head. I chased her around the table, except 'Goose' took on a whole new meaning.