Friday, December 28, 2007

I Don't Mean To Go Off On A Rant Here...

Christians who would refuse to endorse Mitt Romney solely on the fact he's a Mormon really are starting to chap my behind.

I am not ready to throw my support toward Mitt Romney or any other candidate as of yet, but if I choose not to support Mitt Romney, it won't be because he's not a Christian. Just because someone is a Christian does not automatically qualify them as the best choice for President, as James Dobson would have us believe. And his idea of not voting because he doesn't like either candidate is just wrong - if you don't cast your vote, you have no reason to complain about the president, ok Jimmy?

Another thing irritating my backside are Christians who want to pretend that the environment doesn't matter. Now mind you, this isn't an arguement for global warming. I'm far too ignorant of the facts, but only loaded with opinions from either side.

It seems to me that most Christians would just as soon rape the earth of it's resources because we can than try and save them. C'mon folks, we've been given the job of being stewards. This plant is not our whore to take what we want. No one can argue that our water is getting dirtier and our air is getting more polluted. But we continue to take, take, take. A friend of mine told me the other day that the answer to our dependance on foreign oil was to drill in Alaska...what?! The answer to our dependance on foreign oil to to not be dependant on oil at all!

With all the technology we have, it would not take a whole lot to produce more cars that run on corn oil, or you just plug in for the night...or even the one from 'Back To The Future' that ran on garbage. If we can find someone lost in the wilderness with a GPS, we can surely produce a car that doesn't run on gas.

How about it, science?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Heath Ledger is going to rule this movie, I guaran - darn - tee it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Watch the video, then read the post


There's not a day that goes by I don't think of you. You would have loved your mommy and your brother and sister. I'm so homesick and want to see you.

Love always,


Sunday, December 9, 2007

My night as a hobo

So the other night I realized I threw some pretty important papers in my garbage can and took the bag to the dumpster. These papers were so important, in fact, that my lovely wife asked me to go out the dumpster (in the 20 degree weather) and see if I could retrieve the bag from the dumpster.

So I head out to the dumpster with my broom in one hand (to haul out the trash bag) and my son’s tiger flashlight (his roars when you turn it on, which is way cooler than mine). I poked around in the trash for a little bit and I saw what I thought was my bag. I got it out and I could see through it that it was NOT the one I was looking for. So I poked around some more, and there at the bottom, under a huge roll of thrown out carpet, was the bag I was looking for. And this was a pretty big roll of carpet, so I knew that I was going to have to make a trip INSIDE the dumpster to get the bag.

Now mind you I am a little more roly-poly than I used to be. I jumped up and threw my leg over the opening of the dumpster only to lose my balance and fall off it. Nothing hurt but my ever-growing pride (and backside). One more giant heave-ho and I found myself inside the dumpster. It wasn’t as bad as I’d anticipated until I realized that one of my neighbors had decided to empty the kitty box in the dumpster. As I stood there among the garbage bags and piles of cat crap, I started to move the carpet so I could get into my garbage bag and get out. I saw the bag and knew that it was the one I was looking for…Jackpot!

I got the bag and opened it up to find this was not…my…garbage…bag.

The smell from the bag made me sick. I almost puked right then and there.

Some nice female member of our apartment complex had also used this trash bin to deposit her used….um yeah.

My wife laughed her tail off when I told her.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

July 18 cannot come fast enough!